A violinist at sunset

5 Music Tracks to Inspire Creativity and Soothe your Soul

Music soothes my soul into a state of deep relaxation.  Whenever I’m feeling stressed and overwhelmed, I gravitate towards calming music.  I allow the rhythm to harmonize with my worries.  Carry them away.  Gradually, the sound cleanses my body and delivers me to a more peaceful place.

I listen to the tracks below quite often, and not always to ease anxiety.  With each one, I’ll speak to how I use the music as a means to instill well-being.  You can find all of the tracks on youtube.


Perhaps my Scottish roots whisper to me as I listen to this Celtic Music track.  If I want to feel energized or enlivened, I play this track and close my eyes, conjuring up gorgeous green landscapes and my own solitude within them.  The image below is of The Island of Skye in Scotland.  Play and immerse yourself for a few moments if you need an escape today.

Music:: Isle of Skye



If I’m leaning towards a blue mood, I play this Happiness Frequency track.  Whether it actually encourages the release of serotonin, I’m not sure.  But I do know that the mere suggestion somehow tampers with my brainwaves and I end up feeling a bit better when all is said and done.

Sometimes, I listen to this music and also pair it with a fond memory.  For example, I often think of my wedding in Sedona, Arizona, as it was one of the most serene and joyous days of my life.


Music: married couple at Sedona, AZ



I play music most of the time when I write.  If I choose to play a track I find on youtube, I simply shrink the window on my computer.  For me, first drafts always accompany a melody that fits the piece.  Then, I edit in silence.  This process repeats itself based on the number of drafts necessary to finish a work.

When I want to create writing that mines a heartfelt place, I oftentimes play this beautiful piano music.  For example, I wrote Soul Friend: the Sacred Space of Silence about my dear friend, George, while listening to this music.  Press play and then read the passage from my post below and you may experience a deeper sensory engagement with it.

I remembered shortly after his death a day we shared together beneath streaming sunlight, sitting on that same bench.  I asked George, “Will you be my guardian angel when you die?”  He chuckled and told me, “I might not end up that way,” pointing to the skies.  “I might be down there.”

But I know the truth of the matter.  I feel George with me…in the summer…in the winter…in the silence.

This is how it all ends up.  Teardrops fall.  Each one imbued with a memory, reminding us that love lives on.

A spirit friend helps you fly.  A soul friend sits rooted with you in the dark.

George is working double-duty for me now.



If fatigue and brain fog are working in unison as my foes, I listen to this music which claims to improve memory and concentration.  I find that it does offer me more focus.

Music: open book with leaf on it and cup of coffee nearby



My acupuncturist, Brittney, introduced me to Marina Raye’s native flute music.  Marina Raye creates beautiful haunting melodies that chime with nature.   I have three of her CDs and I tend to listen when I need a creative spark and/or to ease myself into “the gift of peace.”

Music: field of heather



Music inspires energy, feel-good emotions, creativity, focus, and meditative bliss, all of which leads to well-being.  I hope you find a track here that speaks to your soul and delivers you to peace.

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Your moments here matter to me.  Warm wishes and gratitude…always.