5 Inspirational Quotes to Soothe Your Soul

Time to soothe your soul with selected inspirational quotes from some of the most popular posts on Mom Soul Soothers!  Also, featured below are short descriptions of each post with some added tidbits.

One pure moment holds the power to create infinite love.

I wrote this post about mindfulness swiftly by hand in a notebook while my daughter performed movement therapy in a Buddhist temple with her mind/body/spirit psychologist.  Perhaps the peaceful surroundings informed my writing and made it feel effortless.  I return to this post and read it often as a reminder to capture those moments that matter.

Time can feel as if it stills when you take a moment to be fully present in your life and experience it in all of its sensory detail.

Sometimes life tells you to tilt you head, sideways squint, peer through a new perspective.

I came up with the phrase “sideways squint” while brainstorming a blog with my husband called Autism Blue Moon for parents of children with autism.  We haven’t been able to create it yet due to time constraints.  However, I chose Sideways Squint as the name of a category that would speak to ways I have merged into my daughter’s world as a means to more fully connect with her.

A peephole into the world of my daughter–who has autism–as conveyed through her funny and profound quotes.

A spirit friend flies you to the light. A soul friend sits rooted with you in the dark.

This post I wrote through many tears and against a backdrop of soothing music as I honored my soul friend, George, who passed away last summer.  I touched on the concept of a soul friend who sits rooted in silence during times of grief, as well as a spirit friend who helps you fly.

This post explores a soul friendship between an elderly man and a woman trying to grow her soul.

When life grows cold a dog will warm your soul.

I wrote this mini-story with my lovable lab, Cali, lounging on a bed in my study.  All the while, Cali stared sometimes at me, sometimes out the window at the fox, deer, squirrels visiting our front yard.  Every so often I hugged Cali, my big furry muse.  She took it in stride, accustomed to my oddities while writing.

A mom who fears dogs eventually falls in Dog Love when her new puppy, a yellow lab, connects with her daughter who has autism.

To unearth a soul story, sit in quietness, reflect on your past and retrieve a gemstone.

I created the first draft for this soul story while sitting near my favorite oak in my backyard.  Then I refined it while listening to beautiful piano music.  This piece moves people, I believe, because it touches on a meaningful relationship flavored with synchronicity, the passage of time, heart and soul.

A soul story about leaving Hollywood behind to teach kindergarten in Watts wherein I discover a precious gem in a student named Amber.

You soul is a suitcase that carries life’s deepest magic. Stay awhile.

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If any images/quotes resonate with you, feel free to pin on Pinterest!  Many thanks to all subscribers and visitors for reading, commenting on, and sharing my posts.  You have made building the Mom Soul Soothers community beyond worthwhile.